Workout breathing techniques

One of the most common questions that our team asks new trainees is "What gives out on you first, legs or lungs?"  The answer is usually split 50/50.  If you're one of those new trainees that answered the latter, listen up.  The Fix blog has written a pretty informative article on some pretty effective workout breathing techniques that is definitely worth your time if you could use a little more strength in those lungs of yours.  You'd be surprised about how wrong so many of us are on such a simple and primal act such as breathing.

Thanks Aldo for the link!

Five running blunders that keep you locked into an injury cycle

Of the 18 original applicants to the T3, 11 actually showed up to the event.  The main reason?  Injury.  Whether you're training for a big event or if big events are your normal weekend routine, injuries are bound to happen.  Strength Running has posted a great article highlighting some mistakes that people commonly make that keep them locked into that tragic injury cycle.  Give it a read here, and we'll see you out at training!

Elites page updated

With the new stream of elites, our elites page has now been updated to show off our new additions to the team!  Our total elite count has now reached 57, which means that the other elites need to get about sending in their profiles!

This is what winning looks like

18 signed up, 11 showed up.  Of those 11, 11 finished.  This is the first 100% finish of 2014!  Our elites have now grown to 56.  Please congratulate Tanner, Warren, Jeff, Daniel, Jason, Donna and Heidi to our inner circle of elites!  Jillian, Nate, John and Kendall returned for their second T3 (Jillian's third) for more funishment as well.  Truly a team of crazy, incredible people.  This couldn't have been possible without the incredible help from the BattleFrog series.  They donated two of their personnel - former BUD/s instructors Mike and Tony to our event to give the class the proper BUD/s experience.  Their expertise and professionalism was inspiring and a perfect representation of what our nation's warrior elite embody.  Look for our team out at the 2015 central Florida BattleFrog, we will be RUCKING the event!  

It's almost showtime!

The most celebrated event of our team is no doubt the Tough Training Trials.  Our team tryouts are designed to forge champions in every type of person, from jock, gamer or even single mother.  We'd like to once again thank the BattleFrog series for taking the time out of their day to contribute two very talented BUD/S instructors to assist in this event!  If you'd like to be a part of the class, it's not too late to register.  In fact, the team will earn a boatload of bonus points if a few more people register for the class!  If you haven't been following the T3 live updates so far, here is a summary of what is happening so far.


As expected, the 5+ people teetering on the edge of commitment have backed down.  Sometimes the hardest part of an event is mustering up the courage to sign up and take your first step.  Who can blame them?  

The T3 so far

So the T3 pregame challenges have been going by smoothly, with the BattleFrog T3 class smashing the first 5 challenges like it's their job!  In case you haven't been following their progress, here is a summary of what they have uncovered so far:

It's not too late to join this class of 16.  If you join, you can then contribute to the pregame challenges and earn and redeem your points as well.  For every 1 person that has committed and registered, about THREE have voiced their 'intent' on registering.  They will not register.  (in)actions speak louder than words.  If not now, when?

He did it!

It's official. Sean is the first person with cerebral palsy to not only complete an OCR, but the first to earn his spartan trifecta as well!  It has been a wild journey spanning the greater portion of this year from the sharp coral trails of Miami, to the mountainous hills of South Carolina and then the muddy, wet terrain of Mississippi. Sean's victory personifies the goal of our team - shining the spotlight on the champions that are created outside of the podium.  It wasn't easy to do, but the end result was a lifetimes worth of incredible memories for every person involved in our journey. Today we celebrate the triumph over adversity, and the character that was forged from our long journey. 

