It's almost showtime!

The most celebrated event of our team is no doubt the Tough Training Trials.  Our team tryouts are designed to forge champions in every type of person, from jock, gamer or even single mother.  We'd like to once again thank the BattleFrog series for taking the time out of their day to contribute two very talented BUD/S instructors to assist in this event!  If you'd like to be a part of the class, it's not too late to register.  In fact, the team will earn a boatload of bonus points if a few more people register for the class!  If you haven't been following the T3 live updates so far, here is a summary of what is happening so far.


As expected, the 5+ people teetering on the edge of commitment have backed down.  Sometimes the hardest part of an event is mustering up the courage to sign up and take your first step.  Who can blame them?