This is what winning looks like

18 signed up, 11 showed up.  Of those 11, 11 finished.  This is the first 100% finish of 2014!  Our elites have now grown to 56.  Please congratulate Tanner, Warren, Jeff, Daniel, Jason, Donna and Heidi to our inner circle of elites!  Jillian, Nate, John and Kendall returned for their second T3 (Jillian's third) for more funishment as well.  Truly a team of crazy, incredible people.  This couldn't have been possible without the incredible help from the BattleFrog series.  They donated two of their personnel - former BUD/s instructors Mike and Tony to our event to give the class the proper BUD/s experience.  Their expertise and professionalism was inspiring and a perfect representation of what our nation's warrior elite embody.  Look for our team out at the 2015 central Florida BattleFrog, we will be RUCKING the event!