How to run in the rain

Rainy season is upon us, and for many of you this means that your number one excuse for not running comes falling from the sky every afternoon.  The advantages of running in the rain are often overlooked, unfortunately.  However thanks to a nifty little article over at Runner's World, those excuses that you clung to for so long are no longer valid!  Give it a read here.  Remember, nature will not lay down its challenges just so you can train in comfort!

Ultrabeast updates coming soon?

According to course director Norm Koch, the Spartan team is meeting within the week to discuss the course layout (single course or double laps) and medal design of the Ultrabeast.  With 21 weeks remaining until the event, this will be some welcome news.  More on this later...

Mt. Dora Mayhem T3 - Video AAR

Regiment elite Heaven C. was a true inspiration at her trials!  After the dust finally settled and she recovered, she collected her thoughts and put together a really nice video review of the event.   

How to run hills and boost your endurance

This week, snow has finally stopped falling on the serene hills of Killington, VT.  The winter has given way to the spring and thus a new training season has begun for many attempting the 2015 Ultrabeast.  To many, the mountains will claim a host of DNFs this year as they have done every year leading up to this one - but you're not going to be one of those, are you?  Fortunately for you, there is a comprehensive guide on conquering the ultrabeast.  If that wasn't enough already, Lifehacker has posted an excellent guide on how to run on the hills as well!  Give it a read here, and be sure to keep up with your training.  This is an event that will test you for all that you are made of...

Undisputed Runs - Remembering 22

Recent Regiment Elite Cheloman will be hosting a very honorable event on the 2nd of May called "Remembering 22", held in Spring Hill Florida.  We highly recommend attending this amazing event, here are the details:

This Rucking event will be held to raise awareness of the tragically too frequent incidence of suicide in our veterans.  Statistics show there are 22 suicides a day.  Increased awareness of symptoms and identification of resources is critical to address this urgent issue. 

This event will be held in both Live and Virtual formats. For both formats, the requirement is the Rucking bag must contain 15% of your body weight.  All participants will receive an Undisputed Runs Rucking Patch for completion.

Requirements for Participation in Live event:

1.   Participants must provide their own nutrition and hydration.

2.  Participants are recommended to have money available to them as we will be rucking throughout the city of Spring Hill, Florida.

3.  Rucking bags will be weighed to ensure 15% body weight is being carried. 

4.  Participants must have adequate form of identification on them at all times; as well as information relative to emergency contacts.

5. Photo ID required for check in.

 Rucking event will include:

22 miles of Rucking carrying 15% of your bodyweight.

At the completion of each mile, you will complete:

22 second plank with ruck bag
22 push-ups with ruck bag
22 Squats with ruck bag
22 Lunges with ruck bag
22 ft bear crawl  with ruck bag
22 Jump Squats without Ruck Bag
22 Burpees without Ruck Bag OR 22 Body builders without Ruck Bag(alternating miles)

22 Mountain Climbers without Ruck Bag

If this sounds right up your alley, you can register here.

The T3 reviews start to form

Some really good reviews have started to pour in from this weekend's T3!  The first one is by Ross, an up-and-coming athlete who trained very hard to get up to the level he is at today.  To many, this event was the hardest thing that they have ever done.  Read his review here!

They made it!

In case you haven't been glued to the live updates, today's T3 has concluded and a new batch of Regiment Elites have joined our ranks!  The struggles they endured were inspiring on all levels, and they have rightfully earned themselves a unique bond that can only be shared by very few.  Our numbers of elites have now swelled to 64!

'avin a giggle there m8?

April fools!  Last year we became the My Little Pony Appreciation Club, which garnered way more reception than was anticipated...  So this year we announced our merger with Comcast and became the Gary Busey Fan Club!



The T3 enlisted also got a nice little challenge heaped on to their plate yesterday morning in the form of Challenge #10.  Thanks to everybody who was such an awesome sport at this year's day of trickery.  See you all at the T3 in two days!

The T3 cometh

What a wild and trying month it has been for the brave few who have decided to take on the T3 this Saturday.  As is common with this event, there have been dropouts being reported this week due to commonplace injury and illness.  With that, two have already had to drop and the class size has been reduced to 15 - still a record turnout for an event prized on being small and close-knit.  The team has eliminated ALL of their bad perks, and has unlocked a few good perks already.  They have until Thursday evening to unlock the rest of their perks before they become locked out!  All in all, they have tackled a total of eight challenges (so far) and appear to be very well organized and ready to work as a team come Saturday morning.  No T3 has incorporated water PT so heavily as this one, so it'll be interesting to see how that works out for the class.  Only four more nights' worth of nightmares remain for this fateful fifteen, and if the class keeps dwindling down they will most likely need some new blood.  It's not too late to join, in fact.  If you think you have what it takes, you can still register until Thursday night.