Undisputed Runs - Remembering 22

Recent Regiment Elite Cheloman will be hosting a very honorable event on the 2nd of May called "Remembering 22", held in Spring Hill Florida.  We highly recommend attending this amazing event, here are the details:

This Rucking event will be held to raise awareness of the tragically too frequent incidence of suicide in our veterans.  Statistics show there are 22 suicides a day.  Increased awareness of symptoms and identification of resources is critical to address this urgent issue. 

This event will be held in both Live and Virtual formats. For both formats, the requirement is the Rucking bag must contain 15% of your body weight.  All participants will receive an Undisputed Runs Rucking Patch for completion.

Requirements for Participation in Live event:

1.   Participants must provide their own nutrition and hydration.

2.  Participants are recommended to have money available to them as we will be rucking throughout the city of Spring Hill, Florida.

3.  Rucking bags will be weighed to ensure 15% body weight is being carried. 

4.  Participants must have adequate form of identification on them at all times; as well as information relative to emergency contacts.

5. Photo ID required for check in.

 Rucking event will include:

22 miles of Rucking carrying 15% of your bodyweight.

At the completion of each mile, you will complete:

22 second plank with ruck bag
22 push-ups with ruck bag
22 Squats with ruck bag
22 Lunges with ruck bag
22 ft bear crawl  with ruck bag
22 Jump Squats without Ruck Bag
22 Burpees without Ruck Bag OR 22 Body builders without Ruck Bag(alternating miles)

22 Mountain Climbers without Ruck Bag

If this sounds right up your alley, you can register here.