14 so far

The month leading up to the T3 is one of the most exciting times for our team.  New and returning candidates are stirring every day to score as many points as possible to unlock their perks.  If you haven't been keeping up with their challenges, perks and more then head over to the T3 live updates section to get a glimpse of what they're going through.  Want to be a part of the action?  Well, it's not too late to join.  

Challenge 1 is well underway

So far, 14 people have submitted their entry to challenge #1.  Now that the group is getting accustomed to keeping their eyes glued to the challenge updates, the games should be getting a little bit more interesting as we rapidly approach April 4th...

It's like Christmas all over again up at Regiment HQ!

Here is T3 enlisted Andrew completing his challenge:

Water treading techniques

A big concern for this upcoming T3 is the water PT (namely the water treading).  To help those who are struggling, I have devised a how-to video for you all to use in case your technique is lacking.  This is just my technique, but if you don't have any to go by at least you've got something now.  In the video we also see an appearance by awesomecat, which is indeed awesome.  Enjoy!


The games.. have begun!

Ladies and gentlemen,

We've gone over five registered attendants at the T3!  This means that pre-game challenges, burpee points and T3 live updates have officially begun!  Those who are in the T3 will be given instructions to keep their eyes peeled at the live updates page for challenged they can complete before their true challenges begin at the T3.  As a reminder, these challenges are optional, but so is your success at this event.  Not sure what burpee points are?  Check out this post detailing them

What a wild weekend to be elite

Regiment elites!  They crush a T3 and then they go on to do other incredible things like it's nothing.  This weekend these elites all ventured out to compete in the Battlefrog Extreme in Miami.  What's the extreme, you ask?  You start off with the 15k route, then you do as many 5k routes on the course as you possibly can from 8:30am until 3pm.  The following crazies took on this challenge, and even placed in it!

Haidar Hachem
Matt Dolitsky (4th overall)
David Moore (5th overall)
Jeff Heimermann
Neil Murphy (2nd overall)
Christopher Ortega

It's happening! The next T3 has been officially unveiled!

Team tryouts have been announced!  The most exciting event of our team's agenda has finally been unveiled, and this one is going to be a doozy.  The official date for Mt. Dora Mayhem is 0730 on the 4th of April, 2015.  This is your chance to be a part of our team's inner circle, which have been heralded as one of the most influential groups of crazies you will ever meet!  If you would like to be a part of something amazing, head over to our events page to register, as well as the T3 live page for information about previous events.  Burpee points and pregame challenges become unlocked once we hit the minimum of 5 registrants.  First come, first serve.


Good luck.

On the horizon

A couple of cool updates are looming on the horizon!  Spartan race Tampa was a huge success, with Darien earning the first pie piece to his trifecta.  Expect a video of that adventure to be posted soon.

On the topic of videos, we'd like to get started on another new perk for our Regiment Elites - Featured athlete videos.  In these videos, you'll get a 5 minute 'commercial' about the athlete's philosophy, upbringing, workout routine and more.  The goal of these videos is to shine the spotlight on the champions that don't always podium, and to show that anybody has the ability to become that champion.  Some elites have volunteered for the first highlight video already, so expect to see something on that in the near future.


As for events, we'll see you at the Battlefrog Series Miami!

Ragnar Relay Series - Key West 2015

Last week, there were a lot of team regiment folks out at the Ragnar Key West relay.  While many took the time to recover in the days after, we were working hard on putting together a video to chronicle our 196 miles of adventure!  This time our video is in silky smooth 1080p quality at 60fps now!  It was a 30 hour upload, but it was worth it.  For other team videos, be sure to check out our videos page.  Enjoy!


The 10% training rule? Completely false.

One of the top training techniques taught to beginning runners is to gradually increase your mileage by 10% every week in order to avoid injury and not overdo your training regimen.  Well... about that.

Competitor released an interesting article that effectively debunks the 10% rule, stating that
In 2007, a group of researchers set out to test the effectiveness of the 10 percent rule. The researchers studied 532 novice runners training for a local 4-mile race by assigning half of the runners to a training program that followed the 10 percent rule and the other half to a more aggressive training regimen. Each runner followed the same warmup process and the overall structure of the training was the same — minus the training volumes.

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