The T3 cometh

What a wild and trying month it has been for the brave few who have decided to take on the T3 this Saturday.  As is common with this event, there have been dropouts being reported this week due to commonplace injury and illness.  With that, two have already had to drop and the class size has been reduced to 15 - still a record turnout for an event prized on being small and close-knit.  The team has eliminated ALL of their bad perks, and has unlocked a few good perks already.  They have until Thursday evening to unlock the rest of their perks before they become locked out!  All in all, they have tackled a total of eight challenges (so far) and appear to be very well organized and ready to work as a team come Saturday morning.  No T3 has incorporated water PT so heavily as this one, so it'll be interesting to see how that works out for the class.  Only four more nights' worth of nightmares remain for this fateful fifteen, and if the class keeps dwindling down they will most likely need some new blood.  It's not too late to join, in fact.  If you think you have what it takes, you can still register until Thursday night.