Lap two begins, and we're down to 8

Two have dropped due to knee injuries, which is a wise choice. The remaining 8 will do a 6 mile run with a 70 minute timehack. Some have cashed in points to extend their timehack to 72 minutes. It's a busy day at the beach today so there's a lot of weaving in and out of everyone!

More of the same

They're now doing another rotation, but with an 8 sided dice now. Rolling a 7 or and 8 is a skip on that rotation.

After that, they do it again but with a 12 sided dice

Four corners

Roll a dice and see what your workout is to each corner. They're going to be doing this for a while

Carousel of suffering

Roll a dice to determine your pain.

o 45s plank(1), 10 burpees(2), 15 pushup(3), 15x4 flutterkick(4), Challenge 5(5), Six of 1-4(6)

 Do it again except now we roll the 8 sided dice. 7-8 = nothing!

 Do it again except now we roll the 12 sided dice. 7-12 = nothing


Challenge 8

Count to 5 minutes in your head. Finish within 15 seconds and win 5 points. Lose 1 point otherwise. Let's see how calm they are before the event!


Your ruck weight, not the ruck, must be the % of your body weight. If it is weighed and found to be even 0.1lbs lighter than required, everybody gets +5lbs of sand added to their rucks.

Be smart.