Ultra Beast Description Redesigned

It's no surprise that you're probably here for information on two things.  The T3, or the Spartan Ultrabeast.  If you fall into the latter category, you may be pleasantly surprised to see that the Spartan website has undergone a redesign, as well as some new-ish tidbits of information regarding this year's VT Ultra.  For one, the weekend has been named "Vermont Ultra Beast Weekend" since its departure from the world championships.  Next, the description of the race has been emphasized on its strict time cutoffs and that many people will not finish.  You can find the rest of the event info in all of its glory here.  

UPDATE:  When asked about the 6-7 hour finish time for the fastest of athletes, course designer Norm said the following:
Don't listen to those people none of them know crap about running 30 miles with obstacles. It will be hard.... It is two laps but may be different than the Beast. I have to work out the details.

The UB will be two laps this year.

:  When asked about the horrifically high DNF rate of 87% in last year's event, we asked Norm about if such a high attrition rate was frowned upon from Spartan HQ, to which he replied:
No it's suppose to be the hardest race

Expect the trend of increased difficulty.