What are burpee points?

Burpee points (or burpee bucks) is a point system used all throughout the pregame challenges leading up to and through the T3.  T3 enlisted can earn burpee points by paying attention to the T3 live updates and the Facebook event page challenges that get periodically posted in the weeks leading up to the actual event.  

Great!  You've earned burpee points by doing these silly little challenges.  Now what?  Next you'll be presented with pre-game unlocks.  These perk unlocks are unlocked through the pooled burpee points that are submitted by the team to unlock anything that you think your team needs the most.  For example, here is the list of perks that the last class unlocked:

That's cool.  So what if we have points remaining when we go into the actual event?  No problem.  Burpee points are used inside the T3 as well.  For example, when you are called on to do burpees in a challenge, for each point you cash in you are relieved of doing four (4) of your overall required burpees.  It doesn't seem like much but you will appreciate it when the time comes.  Other times that burpee points were used during T3 events were to collectively cash in and make certain challenges ruckless such as ladder pushups.  You do NOT want to do ladder pushups with your ruck.

So in conclusion, the premise of burpee points is that if you take the challenge seriously, pay attention to detail (like checking on the website), help your teammates out and show that you really want to be a part of the team you will be rewarded.

Good luck, regiment elites!

Starting Thursday, Regiment elites Travis Hoard and Matthew "ironbeast" Dolitsky will take on GORUCK Selection.  With an expected 10 out of 200 to finish, they are up against some pretty stacked odds.  Best of luck to our most insane of elites!

Pregame challenges

As is tradition, our initiates must not only go through the trials but they also must endure pre-game challenges before their T3 even begins.  These are technically not mandatory to complete, but doing so earns burpee points.  These points are used to unlock various perks to make their challenge easier by either lessening the physical torture, giving hints or revealing part of the course agenda to remove some of the unknown aspects of the trials.  Typically we've kept these challenges inside the Facebook event page, but what fun is there in only having the initiates know about these challenges?  Starting at the December T3, the online challenges will be posted via updates on our T3 Live Updates page.  Initiates will have to constantly keep an eye out on that page, because challenges may even be removed after a certain amount of time.

The T3 teaches you to be prepared for some of the huge events out there such as World's Toughest Mudder, Spartan Ultrabeast, GORUCK Heavy and more.  Attention to detail is key, as you will learn in some form or another...

T3 Live Updates 

What a wild weekend

The spartan world championships have now concluded, and there are plenty of stories to be told by plenty of our teammates.  Keep checking the site for those stories.  My personal account of the Ultrabeast is at least 7000 words right now, and I'm about halfway done!  This means that I'll have to spice it up with some good pictures and graphics to keep everybody's attention span :)

Rest well Spartans.  But don't rest too much. 

T3 Details Revealed

As the next T3 looms in the horizon, a new set of initiates embark upon what may be the hardest event they have yet to partake in.  If you claim to be on of those people, here is some information you may find helpful.



Team Regiment has joined forces with Battlefrog in the next Tough Training Trials! Less than 50 people hold the coveted rank of elite in Team Regiment. Do you have what it takes to earn your red R and join the ranks of these elite members?

The T3 is a 10-12 hour, 16 mile team-building ruck, swim, and obstacle run event that is divided into five themed laps that train, test and challenge every part of your mind and body. Laps are designed to test every aspect of endurance such that the next lap is strategically the hardest thing you can endure. This event is designed to prepare you for big events like GORUCK, Spartan UltraBeast, World's Toughest Mudder and other high-caliber events out there. The trials you will endure are as follows:

Lap 0 - Indoc
Lap 1 - Feats of strength
Lap 2 - Feats of endurance
Lap 3 - Feats of camaraderie
Lap 4 - Feats of intellect

Aspiring elite are expected to bring a backpack/ruck consisting of at least 20% body weight (we'll have a scale), a headlamp and clothes to get wet and sandy in. You will be provided with food and drinks after every lap is completed, but you're welcome to bring your own. Since this is the T3 beach edition, we will be reserving campsites for a BBQ cookout afterwards.

Those who make it to the end (people have quit on many occasions) will receive the coveted red R patch and the rare honor that only the elite get to share in Team Regiment. Nobody has said this was easy, but everybody has said it was worth it. This time it will be at a campground. If you want to stay overnight, reserve your campsite now at http://floridastateparks.reserveamerica.com/campsiteCalendar.do

Here is the rest of what you need to know:


Where: Anastasia State Park. St Augustine, FL.
Who: No more than 20 per class
When: 9:30am until 10:30pm or later.
Cost: $55 (regiment elite and T2 finishers get $5 off)

It's happening... The next T3 just went live!

It's regiment week. That means that you'll be getting some cool announcements all through the week. This first one is huge...

The next T3 has officially been announced! We're proud to announce that we're partnering up with BattleFrog for this one, which means that we are going to have two actual BUD/S instructors as your cadre for this event! I'll give you a second to let the magnitude of this entire thing sink in for a second. Actual. BUD/S. Instructors.  It now goes without saying that the battlefrog series will not be listed as our third official affiliate now.

Since this will be Navy SEAL themed, we're heading back out on to the beaches of St. Augustine on the 13th of December. Be sure to reserve your campsite at Anastasia State Park ASAP! We got a lot going on at this event, so the price will be a little higher. However $55 is still pretty good for a 12+ hour long event run by the seals.  We're not done yet.

Since it's regiment week, registration will be 13% off for the next week. Expect pregame challenges and more course details to emerge sometime in November.

Sign up.  We dare you.

Getting the word out there

As we grow, we must branch out.  We've just gotten our team added to the mud and adventure team listings page - where all are welcome to join!  All you have to do is click the giant "JOIN" button and that's it.  Our influence of awesomeness continues to spread.  Join said awesomeness here.

Our Identity

I'd like to make next week the official regiment appreciation week from now on.  Which means I will be making some pretty important announcements for our team and the cool stuff that we're going to be doing together in the future.  There are an endless amount of group pages out there full of their own flavor of WODs, workout posts and reposts - yet 300+ people stick together and revel in the unique personality that we share.  

Our identity, which shines the light not on the end result but the journey we each take to get to that result is hard to find in this society of instant gratification.  As I say to our regiment elites as they're about to get their patch, your actions inspire others.  When people see you running a race they will have one of two internal dialogues.  The first one is "Holy crap, that guy podiums these events and I'm at his pace?  I think I can do this!".  The second thought is "If this guy can carry a tire and/or rucksack and do multiple laps, I can pull through this and finish my first run!".  No matter the scenario, you do amazing things for others.  

Keep it up, folks.