18 days remaining

To those going to VT, you're no doubt thinking of this event every hour of the day by now.  Keep in mind that any training that you do right now should start to be tapered off through less volume on the same intensity.  Any gains you reap from your workouts now will not be as effective come the time you're out on the mountain.  Your concern now should lie in bringing the right gear.  That intense training you've been planning on doing should have been done six months ago.

Ultrabeast Rumors

Rumors of the course layout for the Ultrabeast are starting to trickle in from some pretty reliable sources.  One such source is a course volunteer (who shall not be named) who spilled the beans on some pretty vital info.  As any Spartan rumors go they could always just be mindgames being played on us - so do not believe everything 100% until we get the official emails.  Nevertheless, the following bits of information made its way to us:

  • The course will be back to its 2012 roots, where the UB is merely the beast course ran twice.
  • This year will be more obstacle-heavy.  Cargo net monkey bar hybrid will be there.
  • More timing mats and cameras will be deployed on the course to combat some complaints of cheating that was done last year.

Interesting information, if it turns out to be true.  One of the big mind games that the UB12 runners recall is the intense desire to quit when the finish the first beast course and they have to get back out there to do it all again. 

Putting on that regiment ink

Regiment elite Kendall C. dominated the Hawaii trifecta and decided to get some ink done while in paradise.  I'd say the team is happy with his choice of artistry!


Now if we can get this guy to submit his regiment elite profile so he can look even cooler!  :)

Battlefrog and Team Regiment

Good things are happening!  What good things, you ask?  Well my fellow rucker/runner/OCR enthusiast, we're teaming up with the Battlefrog series to hook you guys up with a discount to their Orlando 2015 event.  If that's not enough, we will also be partnering with them for a ruck wave of our very own!  You don't have to go into the ruck division if you use the discount code, but you are definitely encouraged to nevertheless.  The more registrations under that code we get, the more free entries that we're given.  It wouldn't be that fun to hoard all of those awesomely free entries to ourselves, so you can definitely expect a battlefrog raffle in the near future...  Anyways, here is the cool graphic showing what you need to know:

More Hawaiian awesomeness

Team Regiment has a large chunk of their elites primed and ready for the Spartan Trifecta weekend!  Regiment elite Marianne took some other pictures of our team flag's journey in paradise.

Look for us in Hawaii!

Team regiment will be flying their banners high at all three of the trifecta events this weekend.  If you see one of them, give them a cheer!  AROOHA!

An even Spartan 300

It's hard to wrangle together a group of people who think the idea of 10+ hour ruck marches or 20+ mile running events is fun, so it should be worth mentioning that our tightly-knit group of Facebook'ers have reached a milestone of 300 members now!  Though we pride ourselves on being a small and almost exclusive group of crazies, we're always willing to bring in more people to our ranks!  

Want to join the group?  Have at it!  We'll hook you up with the invite.

Elites in Killington, VT

47 days remaining until the Spartan World Championships!  Our team's elites will be out in full force that weekend to take on what some will discover to be the hardest event yet.  Keep your eyes peeled for our guys and gals out on the course and give them a high five!  We doubt they will have the team flag in their inventory, given the technicality of this course...  Here is our current roster of sign-ups:

Neil M. - Ultrabeast

Tina R. - Ultrabeast

Marianne M - Sprint

Heidi W. - Ultrabeast

Desiré R. - Ultrabeast

Grant P. - Ultrabeast

Haidar H. - Ultrabeast

Matt D. - Team Death Race

Carey D. - Team Death Race

Damion T. - Beast

Matthew S. - Ultrabeast

Deater - Ultrabeast

David M. - Ultrabeast



Fuego Y Agua, ran by two elites

Regiment elites Haidar and Deater took on the Fuego Y Agua 100k ultramarathon back in February.  After half a year, Haidar managed to get his experience into words in a brief but awesome review of his experiences out in Central America!  If you have any intention of stepping up your runs or ruck training to the next level, go ahead and give it a read!