Introducing team regiment affiliates!

The good news keeps rollin' in - this time we got some huge news for you.  You may notice a new tab on the website.  Which means...

We are an official GORUCK affiliate.


Let that sink in for a sec.


Yep.  That so just happened.  So what does it mean?  It means that our partnership with them will generate more traffic to our team to help fund our crazy outings and elites.  This means more notoriety and street cred to our team, which paves the way for more amazing things to happen in the future.  This is only the beginning, and awesome people like you are the ones to thank for this amazing journey that our team has so far been a passenger to.  If you would like to purchase any events or gear (do it in July, it's 50% off!), you have full permission to use our affiliate link.


Some pretty high level events are mere months away, and as the article states you should be primarily focused on your training and not what you plan on bringing.  People around the nation are training hard for these events, and we'd like to feature a group out of Marion, North Carolina.  These folks are called the 828 boot camp, and their training sessions are right in line with ours!  

Want to train with us?  Find a place and join up!

UB Updates

Greetings!  I've got some questions messaged to me about the UB article, so I changed the text around in some areas to clarify a few things and add to the things that were lacking.  Give it a read here, and keep the information coming!

Just your friendly reminder

The Spartan Ultrabeast is 76 days away.  If you plan on attending this event, please prepare accordingly.  If web traffic holds any truth you have no doubt visited our articles section and seen how to prepare for the ultrabeast.  Nevertheless, keep your eyes peeled for future updates to the article since it will constantly get updated by other athletes!

And of course, for a more personal and less technical account of the event, there is this one to read as well.

They did it! Congratulations to our new elites!

This T3 was nothing short of inspirational and amazing.  They rucked, ran, got wet and did PT until their muscles could not budge any longer.  Of the original 14 who registered, 6 DNS (Did not show).  Of the 8 who started the class, six made it until the very end and earned their red R patch!  Those who DNF were for medical reasons (plantar fasciitis to the point of collapse, and heat exhaustion to the point of uncontrollable vomiting).  Tears were even shed at the end as 14 hours of being put through the ringer were vindicated in the most liberating moment of victory!  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you our new six elites:

Left to right - Joe Grinstead, Tracy Trombley, Kendall Cooper, Nate Jacobs, Shae Burr and Chris Hampton

Left to right - Joe Grinstead, Tracy Trombley, Kendall Cooper, Nate Jacobs, Shae Burr and Chris Hampton

Structure of the T3

To those doing the T3 this weekend, the next few days will be wrought with nervous preparation followed by some last minute prayers.  To those on the outside, you'll probably be checking out their progress live on our live updates.

As a little sneak preview, here is the structure of what they will be encountering:

Lap 0 - Welcome to the T3.

Lap 1 - Feats of Strength

Lap 2 - Feats of Endurance

Lap 3 - Feats of Camaraderie

Lap 4 - Feats of Intellect


Each lap is designed to progressively impact the next lap, where the last lap goes off the understanding that the class will have little to no physical left in them.  All that will be left is their mind, which will be the focus of attack for that entire lap.  No two laps follow the same route, so there is no guess to how or when it will end.


Think you've got what it takes to join our ranks of elites?  Prove it.

Carry the fallen

Team regiment has been chosen as the representative team for the Florida east coast team for Carry the Fallen!  Carry the Fallen is a 12 hour ruck march dedicated to raise awareness for the veteran suicides that tragically loom over our nation.  The date for the ruck march is TBD, but even if you can't make it you can still help by donating to their cause here.

A living document

It turns out that the latest ultrabeast article has been quite the topic to be shared among the Spartan community, which is awesome!  With that bit of information now out there, we've been getting numerous submissions of information from UB veterans, which is even more awesomer!  With all of this helpful information coming in, feel free to re-read the article when you can.  It will be updated daily so long as other athletes continue to provide helpful information.  For instance, last night the article has been updated with extra pictures as well as a gear list, training list and personal account from another athlete.  Keep the info flowing!  If you'd like to email us more pictures and personal accounts, please feel free to use the contact us feature of this page.

How to prepare for the ultrabeast

The Ultrabeast is just a few months away, and already the Facebook groups are beginning to stir with questions that will be asked over and over again.  So we've put together an article to help answer some FAQs via the knowledge of UB veterans.  If you haven't read regiment founder Neil's personal account of the 2013 event you can read it here.  Check our articles and reviews tab for the article or jump over to it directly.  Good luck!