Ultrabeast Rumors

Rumors of the course layout for the Ultrabeast are starting to trickle in from some pretty reliable sources.  One such source is a course volunteer (who shall not be named) who spilled the beans on some pretty vital info.  As any Spartan rumors go they could always just be mindgames being played on us - so do not believe everything 100% until we get the official emails.  Nevertheless, the following bits of information made its way to us:

  • The course will be back to its 2012 roots, where the UB is merely the beast course ran twice.
  • This year will be more obstacle-heavy.  Cargo net monkey bar hybrid will be there.
  • More timing mats and cameras will be deployed on the course to combat some complaints of cheating that was done last year.

Interesting information, if it turns out to be true.  One of the big mind games that the UB12 runners recall is the intense desire to quit when the finish the first beast course and they have to get back out there to do it all again.