It's happening... The next T3 just went live!

It's regiment week. That means that you'll be getting some cool announcements all through the week. This first one is huge...

The next T3 has officially been announced! We're proud to announce that we're partnering up with BattleFrog for this one, which means that we are going to have two actual BUD/S instructors as your cadre for this event! I'll give you a second to let the magnitude of this entire thing sink in for a second. Actual. BUD/S. Instructors.  It now goes without saying that the battlefrog series will not be listed as our third official affiliate now.

Since this will be Navy SEAL themed, we're heading back out on to the beaches of St. Augustine on the 13th of December. Be sure to reserve your campsite at Anastasia State Park ASAP! We got a lot going on at this event, so the price will be a little higher. However $55 is still pretty good for a 12+ hour long event run by the seals.  We're not done yet.

Since it's regiment week, registration will be 13% off for the next week. Expect pregame challenges and more course details to emerge sometime in November.

Sign up.  We dare you.