GORUCK Heavy Ft. Bragg AAR

Future regiment elite Kaitlyn B. just posted an introspective AAR featuring her thoughts, preparations, exercises and struggles endured at the GORUCK Heavy in Ft. Bragg.  Give it a read over at our articles and reviews section!

Regiment elites at the IBC24

In two weeks time, the Ironbeast 24 hour challenge will be going down in Tampa.  The Ironbeast Challenge is led by no other than sponsored athlete and death race finisher Matthew "Ironbeast" Dolitsky which tests everybody's physical and mental grit for a solid 24 hours.  Naturally, our elites had to take him up on the challenge, so here is our roster of attendees for this monumentous occasion - 

Neil M
Desiree R
Matt D
Carey D
Grant P
Ralph K

Many of which will be using this weekend's T3 Classic as a 'warm up' for the IBC24.  We'll be sure to provide updates on both the T3 and the IBC on our live updates section!

The T3 Classic

The course agenda for the March 15th T3 Classic is nearing completion!  Meanwhile, class capacity is nearing it's max, so if you plan on testing yourself now is the time to get yourself locked in and registered for the 'fun'.  Want to earn your patch?  Get yourself registered.

Spartan Race Tampa video is UP!

Within 48 hours our team's video of the Spartan Spec Ops Tampa Sprint is now up!  Check out our videos section to enjoy our other adventures and be sure to like/subscribe to the team's youtube channel.  We get magical internet points for it.

Spartan did it again

Leave it up to Spartan Race to turn a venue so inert as a stadium and transform it into an epic race of spartan quality!  We had a huge turnout of MudRunFun/Regiment at this event and we're currently working on our video for the event.  Meanwhile, the Ironbeast challenge was a great success as well!  Be sure to get in on the 24 hour IBC if you think you have what it takes.

The Iron Beast Cometh!

Now that he has made a humongous name for himself, Matthew "Ironbeast" Dolitsky will be putting on a challenge of his own!  Best of all?  This sucker is FREE.  Yeah, let that soak in for a moment.




You can scope out all of the details on our events page as well as the facebook events page as well.  Good luck!

Masters of all Terrain

Our buddies over at MoaT are once again hooking us up with a pretty slick promo code - 50% off in fact!  This means that for $25 you can run a half marathon through the woods plus the rewards of all of their sponsors (free muscle milk!) afterwards.  They will also have a separate ruck division for us to compete in as well!  Let's show them what we're made of.  "THEREGIMENT" is your code to use to score half off on this bad boy.  Please keep in mind that this window will only be open for the next three days.  So yeah.  Get to it.



Warrior Dash 2014 - A breath of fresh air

What a huge surprise!  Warrior Dash was a vast improvement from last year!  What is generally classified as an introductory OCR event has definitely stepped up the quality of their event which completely did a 180 from last year's assessment of 'meh'.  Obstacles were put together with a craftsmanship you would expect to see at a Tough Mudder or Savage Race, and they had a larger volume which resulted in little to no bottlenecks.  The course ran through a different route than the last three years and the event itself catered towards the community and team environment a lot more than the years past (team tents, facebook kiosk, etc.).  The Regiment's all time favorite weekend warrior Jon Watson put together a really nice video of this event below.  If you had a sour taste in your mouth from last year's Warrior Dash (many did) then don't fret -  it appears that they listened to our complaints!

This is what a champion looks like

Regiment elite and owner of many titles Matthew "Ironbeast" Dolitsky has impressed the OCR world once more with a little skull trophy that says he is now an official finisher of the Winter Death Race!  Matt endured 30+ hours in the absolute extreme conditions that the WDR threw at him and dominated it all the way through.  Matt, we're proud to call you one of our own.  You're an inspiration to us all!
