Profiles are here!

You may have noticed some more graphical snazzyness infusing (real term) done to the site.  For one, we finally have profiles!  Check out our elites page under "The Team" tab.  We've got 39 elites, so I'll be hand crafting each person's profiles as they send their stuff in.  

Feel free to navigate elsewhere, too.  We've cleaned up a great deal of each page and we've also replaced some text with graphics and redid the contact us page too.

Regiment elite in the Winter Death Race

Regiment elite Matthew "Ironbeast" Dolitsky will be attempting the Winter Death race in Vermont this weekend.  He also plans on doing the summer Death Race, the team Death Race as well as GORUCK Selection.  Yeah, he's insane.  Insane being the best compliment one can devise.  Want a hint of what he will be going through?  Vermont Scrubnut documented last year's adventures on their blog, so be sure to check them out!  See below for a little taste of what they will be enduring.

Some retouching + expansion

Our events page and our overall navigation got a little cluttered lately, so we simplified and combined a few things.  Note that our T1/T2 events are happening now in Tampa as well as Orlando!  If you would like to have your training events posted on our site, please feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help!

An almost regiment-exclusive GORUCK challenge

GORUCK Challenge - February 7th - Orlando, FL

GORUCK Challenge - February 7th - Orlando, FL

It appears that our growing involvement in the GORUCK community is paying off.  As of now, we will have at least six regiment elites and two aspiring elites attending the Orlando GORUCK Challenge.  That's the largest team regiment turnout yet!  Keep in mind that this event is open to everyone and not just us crazy regiment folks.  Another good thing for you is that registration for this event is still open - so it's not too late to celebrate the suck with us all!  You can sign up for the event here, and score yourself a $20 discount with code CFMudRUN1 while you're at it.  You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do.


Free is good.  A lot of training groups require monthly fees for their routine training sessions, but not us!  The T1 happens every M/W/F in Orlando, with some new regiment groups in Tampa, Boston and SoCal to follow suit soon.  Be sure to check out our events page for any upcoming changes to our routine training sessions, and we'll see you out there!

Training Advert.jpg

Look for us at Superhero Scramble!

We're going to have a total of EIGHT elites running in the Superhero Scramble Villain event in Miami this weekend, two of which will be running with our team flag.  Be sure to give them a holler if you see them out on the course!  Elites at this event will be given additional perks in the form of clif bars and gels, yum!  

Also, we plan on using the GoPro at this event, so you can expect another snazzy video in the coming weeks as well.  Speaking of which, we've got a ton of said snazzy videos over at our videos section, so be sure to give it a gander.

The reaping of elites continues - next T3 announced!

It's that time again!  The next T3 will be called the T3 Classic.  This means that the cadre will actually be in the class with everybody, and the course will be set in the original neighborhood area that the regiment started in so very long ago.  The cost for this 10-12 hour event will be just $30, or $25 for returning elites and T2 finishers.  Good luck finding an event that long for that cheap :)  

Get yourself registered here, and good luck.  This will not be easy.

Branching out

We'll be overhauling our events page sometime in the coming weeks.  You can expect to see multiple Regiment T1 training events located all around Florida at first, and then branching out nationwide.  Other states looking to get some T1 events include TX and CA, so keep your eyes peeled!  For now, enjoy your Christmas break, and try not to eat too unhealthy :)