Warrior Dash 2014 - A breath of fresh air

What a huge surprise!  Warrior Dash was a vast improvement from last year!  What is generally classified as an introductory OCR event has definitely stepped up the quality of their event which completely did a 180 from last year's assessment of 'meh'.  Obstacles were put together with a craftsmanship you would expect to see at a Tough Mudder or Savage Race, and they had a larger volume which resulted in little to no bottlenecks.  The course ran through a different route than the last three years and the event itself catered towards the community and team environment a lot more than the years past (team tents, facebook kiosk, etc.).  The Regiment's all time favorite weekend warrior Jon Watson put together a really nice video of this event below.  If you had a sour taste in your mouth from last year's Warrior Dash (many did) then don't fret -  it appears that they listened to our complaints!