Good luck to those at Hog Wild!

We've got a few regiment elite making a presence out at Hog Wild today.  See if you can spot them all :)

Having trouble?  Well now, that just means we'll need to have a regiment elite profile section in place!  Coming soon... 

Time to start the weekend right with some training

It's Friday, which means it's another T1 day!  To those who aren't familiar, we conduct free OCR training every M/W/F at 5:00pm for advanced and 6:30pm for beginner/intermediate.  The location is at Blanchard Park near the YMCA and as I said before, it's free.  Since The Regiment is founded by gamers, we love to provide incentives to your experience.  Those who show up will gradually score some cool OCR gear and other prizes.  

Today's run will be a straight up distance run.  No obstacles, no intervals.  Just pure running.  We're meeting a little later today (5:30) to give some of you time to head here from work.  See you then! 

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T3 Class TRX video is UP!

Not to spoil everything that goes on in the T3, here is a short video under two minutes long that highlights some of the trials that class TRX endured for thirteen hours.  All eleven people in the class finished while smiling the entire way.  I'm proud to call them members of the regiment elite!  May they inspire others to do great things.  Head over to our videos section to check out other fun regiment things that we do!   


We got some new visitors to the site, so you may be pleased to hear that we host training sessions three times a week at Blanchard park as well as a few residential routes. Training is always free and we host sessions for all levels of skill. We even got a snazzy picture to convey this message to you all! Dude, the snazzy picture:


Coming Soon: Regiment Store

Following the suggestions of many, we're working on getting a store set up with some cool regiment gear in it.  So far on the list we've got bumper stickers, arm sleeves, compression socks and shirts.  If you've got any other ideas for cool OCR gear let me know! 

11 started, 11 finished.

Last night (this early morning) we gained seven new members of our close knit family.  This is the highest number of folks earning their R in one night.  Nobody quit, and nobody complained.  Despite all of the trials you endured, you were smiling and joking with each other until the very end (still no idea what could have made that gigantic turd in the playground...).  I tried to find a flaw in their technique, I really did.  I was nitpicky and forced attention to detail into their minds and they were triumphant.  After thirteen (13!!!) hours and 18 miles of fun, they earned their R with an ear-to-ear grin on their faces.  It was beautiful!  

You're an inspiration to everyone.  You really are.  That little red R that you place on your ruck, your flag, or clothing is a testament to your strength, endurance, camaraderie and intellect.  You embody the thought that the temporary sting of discipline is far easier to endure than the chronic pain of regret. Well done, regiment class TRX.  Welcome to your rightful place among the regiment elite.

T3 LIVE Updates! Woo hoo!

Damn skippy!  We're going to be doing live photo and video updates of the trials of Saturday's T3 up on our new T3 Live section of the website.  Be sure to keep refreshing the page, as updates won't roll in automatically.  First update rolls out at 3:30pm sharp!  See you then. 

Intimidator + T3 stuff

Rock on intimidator was by far the most challenging Florida OCR event I've been to thusfar, but I conquered it in a special way. I placed third in my age group! This marks the very first time placing in an event! Woo hoo!

As a reminder, if you want to go beyond the difficulty of the intimidator you only have two days left to register. Head over to our events section to get yourself locked in!
