Highlander Intimidator tomorrow!

The regiment flag will be there!  I'll be filming the event with the GoPro, so if you see me with the flag on the course and would like to be a part of the video let me know and I'll get some cool action shots of 'ya!  

Good luck everybody, it's going to be a good one! 

Sgt ROBO Mud Run pics and more

What a weekend!  The SGT ROBO Mud Run was an unprecedented success!  Over 1000 people came out to support Sgt. Graham, which is some pretty amazing stuff right there.  Photos of the event are posted on our photos section, so be sure to check them out!  In addition, regiment elite Neil Murphy and Chris Ortega came in 6th and 8th place respectively.  In total, MudRunRegimentFun comprised of well over 80% of the top 20 runners at this event.  Great job!

Two weeks remain to earn your red R

Weather you're training for death race, ultrabeast, world's toughest mudder or a GORUCK, the T3 will help you get there.  Head over to our events section to get the scoop on earning your R.   Matthew 'Ultrabeast' Dolitsky will also be in the class with you!  

Masters of All Terrain continues to show love to the R

To those who came out to the MoaT, you will remember the awesome times had.  Well, this is happening again!  This time it will be located near a campground, so you know that there will be some MudRunRegimentFun partying to be done.  

If you bring a team of 4, they will give your team one free entry to our December race and another for every 4 team members (this can get pretty valuable for the couple teams that got into the 20's of members like we did.  Let's show them our support like we did last time guys!



See the red R at the SGT ROBO mud run tomorrow

What an exciting week is has been with all of that Death Race madness going on.  Now that things have settled, it's time to return to those good ol' "normal" mud runs.  Tomorrow the regiment and MudRunFun will be out at the 5 mile course in St. Cloud called the SGT ROBO Mud Run.  What makes this event extra special is that it is a charity event to help support one of Florida's finest who is currently battling cancer (F*CK CANCER).  You can register for the event here

As the late Billy Mays would say, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!  You can get into this event cheap.  How cheap?  Check it out:

 - Select "Groups of 6 or more", or "Add to an Existing Team" price
 - Add PROMO CODE - MRF1911 to drop the price from $49.00 to $35.00. 


Yup!  Now you don't have an excuse.  Don't say we never did anything for 'ya.

[See you there] 

Good luck, Ultrabeast Dolitsky!

This week, one of our regiment elite Matthew UltraBeast Dolitsky is going to take on the Spartan Death Race. He has trained meticulously and nonstop for what he is about to experience in the coming days for something that even the most seasoned athletes will cower away from.

After turning down the honorary rank of regiment elite, he decided he wanted to earn his place in the regiment by completing the T3. His commitment towards motivating others is demonstrated by the scores of people who now attend OCR events with a tire, and the many more who have gotten off the couch and committed themselves to an enriched and positive life. We are honored to have such a positive influence among our ranks!

Matt, you're going to go through hell soon. You've prepared for this. You're ready for this. Know that no matter the challenges you face, we'll be rooting for you back at home. Remember this when you look at that red R on your pack when you're rummaging through the dirt. No matter how fervently the pain roars through every inch of your being it is only temporary. You've got this buddy. Stay safe, and stay awesome my friend. 

Everybody, let's cheer our fellow regimenter on for this week!



He'll even be sporting his red R at the event:


Training! Awww yeah!

Another week, another evolution.  Come join us at Blanchard Park for the 5pm advanced meet and the 6:30pm beginner/intermediate meet, weather permitting of course.   


See you at training this week!

Training is going pretty well this week!  As always, there will be a 5pm advanced and a 6:30pm beginner session to be held at Blanchard park today.  To those who do show up, I've got some Spartan swag bags to give to you!  Just a little motivation and reward for keeping on track :)
