Good work today guys!

Good work today guys and gals. The fact that we had this many people doing this already sweltering event with a ruck tells me that you guys are the meaning of awesome. You see the vision of the regiment that by doing a little extra brings motivation to others. After all, if the guy lugging a ruck filled with bricks (or a tire!) is passing you - you can certainly step it up just a little more! Thank you for sharing this vision of preferring the pain of discipline over the pain of regret. Congratulations Nicholas James Johnson for the great event and kicking our asses. Rest well and congratulations, fellow regiment. You've earned it. I'm so proud of you all!


Superhero Scramble Intimidator video is COMPLETE!

As custom always goes, you get it posted here first.  Ladies and gentlemen, the regiment (elite included) came out to this event last Saturday and got our expectations blown away.  Here is a video to chronicle our adventures.  Dude, the video:

See you all at the Masters of All Terrain tomorrow!

0700.  Bright and early!  If you see a big group of people rucking the MoaT 1/2 marathon tomorrow, give us a high five!  This event will take place in Mt. Dora and will be the first time The Regiment has the largest amount of registered team members!

On an unrelated note, the SHS video is going along smoothly and you should see it sometime tonight!​

Our Orlando training team grows

Today, a few new regiment initiates began their training with lofty goals in mind. Ben and I are looking at you like we're looking at ourselves in the past. It's not going to be easy to get where you want to go, but if it's important enough to you you'll find a way. If it isn't, you'll find excuses. Just remember that your body will try to reject and complain about change. Change is something you are naturally predisposed to reject. Fear of change is what makes you a stationary one ton boulder that will remain still unless acted upon. You may push on that boulder harder than you thought, only to see it move a few inches but once you get it moving you'll find it easier to get that boulder moving. But once you get that boulder moving, you'll find it near impossible to want to stop. No matter the speed, you will be lapping the guy sitting on the couch. To give a nod to the mantra of the regiment, you will be given a choice; feel the pain of discipline, or feel the pain of regret.

Welcome to The Regiment.

Three races team up to bring you one badass medal!

September is going to be a busy month, that's for sure.  

This is what brings a community together.  When events team up to help each other out.  We need this right now if we want OCR to be put on the map.  You can expect the R flag to be waving high at each of these events:

HOG WILD MUD RUN - September 7th
Monster Challenges + Highlander V - September 14th
Rock On Adventures - September 21st

Now, let's say you do all three of these events.  Now what?  Brace yourself.  You get to bring home this bad boy:


Yeah.  That feeling of elation and excitement you've got?  It'll last for a while.  See you all in the mud at each of those events.​

New photos uploaded + things to come

Man, there is a lot on the regiment plate at the moment!  For one, some photos have been uploaded into our somewhat buggy photos section.  Check 'em out!  ​

Also, I've got lots of other goodies that I will be making for you all!  Here is a laundry list of said stuff I will deliver to you all, in order of priority:

 - Superhero Scramble Video (you'll get this this week!)

 - 5/11/13 T3 Video

 - ​Revamped photos section of the site

 - More Rank/profile information

​ - Exciting new T3 challenge information!

 - Regiment mud run bloopers compilation video.  It's worse than you think...​

July 13th - The next T3!

The Regiment is pleased to announce their next trials!  Just as one concludes, another looms in the horizon.  There will be challenges, there will be trials and there will be glory.   

If you wish to earn your place among the few regiment elite and don your red R, look no further and get yourself registered today.  Those who register before May 29th will earn you and your team bonus burpee points to start!

See you at Tough Mudder Jacksonville!

Many ranks of regiment (including some elite) will be in attendance at TM Jax.  Look for the black and red regiment flag and show us some love!  We plan on bringing the GoPro and will be making a cool little video for you all to fully enjoy.  See you all tomorrow!​