Our Orlando training team grows
Today, a few new regiment initiates began their training with lofty goals in mind. Ben and I are looking at you like we're looking at ourselves in the past. It's not going to be easy to get where you want to go, but if it's important enough to you you'll find a way. If it isn't, you'll find excuses. Just remember that your body will try to reject and complain about change. Change is something you are naturally predisposed to reject. Fear of change is what makes you a stationary one ton boulder that will remain still unless acted upon. You may push on that boulder harder than you thought, only to see it move a few inches but once you get it moving you'll find it easier to get that boulder moving. But once you get that boulder moving, you'll find it near impossible to want to stop. No matter the speed, you will be lapping the guy sitting on the couch. To give a nod to the mantra of the regiment, you will be given a choice; feel the pain of discipline, or feel the pain of regret.
Welcome to The Regiment.