Mandatory gear has been released!

Keep in mind that the following gear list is subject to change, and that you may want to check this page often.

Mandatory gear list (individual) 

• Six sided dice. 
• Your bib that you had mailed/handed to you with some means of attaching it on you
• A 5-gallon bucket. (Your instructor(s) are bringing 4-6. Decide ahead of time who doesn’t need to bring one). 
• Headlamp (having a red light setting is recommended to make any team competitions easier) 
• Three orange laminated index cards with the word “Strike” written on them. Cards must be hole punched and have a ziptie included with them. 
• A laminated card with the name of somebody that you wish to inspire or have a positive impact on, and your name written on the other side. 
• Face mask
• Your clothing cannot have any yellow on it

Mandatory gear (whole team) 
• Soccer ball (inflated). 
• Basketball (trust me.. you want your balls inflated).   
             o (You may want to make sure your balls are easy to see in the dark… heh) 
• A laminated picture of Bob Saget with everybody’s name signed on the back. 
• Two empty wreckbags/goruck bags w/ filler bags inside. Must be of equal weight capacity.