Just in case you don't want to watch an hour long video...

Individuals need each of the following:

·         Swim Goggles/Mask (or any way to see underwater clearly)

·         Gloves

·         Red Solo Cup (standard size) with a line drawn exactly 1.5in below the lid on the interior, all the way around

·         Four safety pins

·         Metal spoon

·         Headlamp

·         Reflective band or glowstick for your ruck

·         Picture that embodies your biggest goal of 2020 (it may get roughed up or get wet so you may want to have a way to protect the picture)


Team must have one of the following:

·         Team weight exceeding 40lbs

·         A laminated picture of BIG CHUNGUS

·         Two cans of Bang energy drink (blue or purple)

·         Laminated picture of Charlie Day or Bob Saget with everybody’s name signed on the back titled “T3 January 2019”


Be at the gate of the park no later than 7:50am, in line and ready to get in ASAP.  The park opens at 8am and there is an entry fee to the park, so carpooling is encouraged!  You want to park around the volleyball field that is located right at the parking zone.  Have your gear in front of you while you’re standing arms-length apart in order of age.  For every five minutes after 8:15am that the team is not assembled in the manner, there will be a 30 burpee penalty added.  If the park opens late, the time difference will be credited.  Be ready to get wet right away.  Obviously this means that you need to have everything in your car setup so that you can just get your gear out and immediately be ready to go so plan accordingly.