Trivia and Geography revealed!!
Great job guys, you killed the wall sit challenge! Geography and trivia unlocked.
Your Trivia will be the revolutionary war- enough said...know everything about it and the people/events surrounding it!
Geography - EVERYbody generally fails this. If you are wise you will study prior to the event. As a team you will have to identify all 54 countries of Africa.
Here comes the kicker……
IF you fail you will have an opportunity for redemption.....but your fate will fall on Neil Murphy’s shoulders dun dun dun
For those of you that don’t know Neil is like a freak of nature when it comes to the geography, basically the Dustin Hoffman in rain man of this challenge. SO this time we want to give him a great challenge.
Neil will have to correctly identify all of the cities if China and Russia, with all CORRECT spellings. If even one letter is off it is a FAIL
If you fail this as a team the repercussions will be doubled and exactly what that is at this time is TBD
Happy studying!