Challenge 5 - Can you quack like a duck?
Here is a little secret - - - you will be doing some duck walks during the T3 so we want you to get a little bit of practice….
Challenge 5 is to take a video of you duck walking with your ruck on. If you have never done a duck walk…you can imagine how it should be done. Imagine how a duck walks and try to simulate it
The duration of the duck walk is 2 Minutes
you must quack while walking
If you fall over you need to re-start
You need to be moving forward the whole time. If you ABSOLUTELY need to stop, you can only stop for 5 seconds MAX…if it is longer than 5 seconds, you must do it over for it to count. you shouldn’t need to stop
Ruck weight must be at least 20 lbs, show weight going into bag prior to start
Need to post to T3 event page and Tag cadre Kevin and/or Andrew
Completion by Friday 4/19 gets you 2 points