Packing List

Greetings T3’rs

Here is the mandatory gear list and important event day info. The team has completed enough challenges to unlock the exact start time and location for this event. Be at the following location no later than 0700: 

Team Regiment Wednesday Workout Meet Spot

Woodside Village Recreation Center

Do not be late
. For every minute that somebody is late, those who are there will have to complete 20 burpees.  Don’t screw your teammates! Do everyone a favor and plan for the unexpected, and if you decide to drop before the event starts, you’d best let the instructor of the event know ahead of time. If you are 30 minutes late, you will be DNF’d from the event after having made all of the responsible people unnecessary burpees. Again…. Do not be late

There will be an optional bonus lap for those who wish to partake at 0640. Sometimes that means doing extra work for no reward, other times it means getting a reward for no extra work. It’s a gamble. 

Gear list 

Manadatory (Individual)
• Headlamp (having a red light setting is recommended to make any team competitions easier) 
• A laminated card with your favorite charity on it and a BRIEF explanation of what it means to you 
• Proof of donation to your favorite charity (Any amount is acceptable or see above)

• Blindfold

• Hydration bladder (at least 2 liters)

• Medal from a race you have accomplished that means something to you or helped define your fitness journey

Ruck with 18% bodyweight (you will be weighed)




•       Mandatory (whole team)

• Soccer ball (inflated). 
• A pair of Arm floaties
o (You may want to make sure your balls are easy to see in the dark… heh) 
• A laminated picture of Neil Murphy in kitty shorts (8x11) in color with everybody’s name signed on the back.  
• A full sandbag weighing at least 50 pounds
• American flag





 That’s all for the gear requirements for now. We reserve the right to add to this list at any time, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled on to the T3 Live Updates page. Attention to detail will make or break your T3. 

In keeping with the spirit of the last T3, we are asking this time that you pick a charity of your choice and make any size donation to it and bring proof to the event. If you cannot financially do so or if you just prefer action over money, we would also accept proof of donating your time to something for your favorite charity.


 This team started as a couple of people training for a 5k OCR.  I love how people can come and go from this team as their lives allow and you still have your training family whenever you need them. Always there for you. Hopefully you will learn something from this event and take it with you in your everyday life. 

 We sincerely look forward to helping you all achieve your goals on the 27thof  April.