Challenge #2 - No due date!

Hey!  This challenge has no due date!  That means that you can forget about it and procrastinate!  

 This challenge is as simple as the only true known of the T3 - the six mile run.  Everyone knows that they will be running six miles at a T3, and yet so many people unnecessarily struggle during this portion of the event.  In fact, this is where most DNFs occur!  

 So this challenge is for the best. It's for you to prepare for that one known. Simply submit a six mile run (no treadmills, no OCRs). This is usually best done with a screenshot of your results. Be sure to include your overall distance (duh) and pace. 


Submitting your run in September will earn you four points, with the reward going down by one point for each month after that.

 No other caveats. Just get it done.