MUST READ - Mandatory gear list and other important stuff
Hello T3 attendees,
As we close in on the big event, the class no doubt shares a mix of emotions from apprehension, excitement and outright fear. In fact, it is expected that a few candidates will get cold feet and simply not show up. Now is the time to announce such intentions. For those that wish to remain in the T3, this message is for you. As part of what was promised, you get the mandatory gear list earlier than expected. Normally big races out there feature a ‘race bible’ similar to what you are about to receive. Since this event trains you for those kinds of events, it means it’s time to listen up.
Don’t be late. This is crucial. Prepare to get a flat tire, last-minute errands, your cat catching fire, or whatever else would cause you to be late. For every 5 minutes somebody is late, the entire team must do 30 burpees. If you are 30 minutes late, you will be disqualified from the event. No exceptions, no refunds. Better to learn this lesson at a $49 event than to learn it at an event you paid ten times as much to get in to. So if you plan on not showing up and you don’t tell anybody, you will be on many people’s shit lists. In order for this to be easy on everyone, we’ve got to keep this chaos somewhat organized and on time.
Exact location of the starting point is at
1200 N Unser St
Mt Dora, FL 32757
Bring water and nutrition. Bring at least 2L of water with you to refill throughout the event. You will not finish the event if you fail to replenish your lost calories either. You’ve got a small break between laps to eat and refill. If you don’t, you will not make it through this event.
Plan outside the event. Are you riding with others? If so, what’s going to happen if you DNF? Will you sleep in the car? Drive home? What about when you finish? You just went through hell and you plan on driving back home right afterwards? Will you be awake enough to drive? Plan for these things, please. We’re not on the hook for your lack of prudence. Have a plan B.
Time between laps. You will be awarded a 8 minute break in between laps, and a 20 minute break after lap 2 (the run). If you’re lined up and ready to begin the next lap before your allotted time is up, those leftover minutes can roll over towards another lap of your choice. Failure to be ready after the allotted time will have a deduction from future lap breaks. So have your nutrition, changes of clothes, bug spray, etc laid out for you to access and be done with efficiently.
Bonus lap. There will be an OPTIONAL bonus lap happening at 7:02am. Sometimes people are rewarded for doing this, other times they are just punished for no reason. It’s a gamble.
Now, let’s talk about the mandatory gear list.
Each individual person must bring the following:
· Gloves
· Headlamp
· Chemlight or reflective PT belt on the ruck
· A blindfold that actually obscures your vision. We’ll inspect each one.
· A printed quote from somebody that you look up to
· Index card with any medical issues that an EMT would need to know just in case something goes wrong, in addition to an emergency contact.
The team as a whole must bring the following:
· A 15.5 inch strip of duct tape with everybody’s name and age written on it with a sharpee.
· A soccer ball (you know why!)
· A picture of Harambe with everyone’s name signed on it.