More updates
Things are starting to solidify for this event! The team is currently at 34 points after unlocking easy cards, and challenge #8 is well underway! The class size is now at a record 25 participants and it's looking like we're going to have two instructors for this event to make sure things go smoothly. To make things fun, we're going to be having door prizes at the end of the T3 that each person will roll the 120 sided dice to win. Here are the current prizes that we're giving away:
- TWO free entries to any GORUCK light or tough of your choice (Ingress event works too)
- Free entry to Mud Titan, which is happening on the 27th of August
- BattleFrog arm sleeve
- USMC Camelback
- BattleFrog head scarf
The best part is that most of those prizes automatically recoup the mere $49 entry for the T3, too!