Classes slowly filling up, so let's mix it up.
It seems that people are starting to hop on the bandwagon, at least for one of the two classes. The other class has been quiet lately, which is never a good sign! The quiet ones who don't communicate at all are usually the ones who won't show up. That's okay, it just makes it even more glorious for those who do show up.
To those who are still on the fence about joining, here's the deal. Listen up.
For the next week (Thats from the 19th to the 26th of this month), anybody who signs up will be able to retroactively complete ANY expired challenges. In addition, for every person who registers, EVERY participant will earn a point.
Every. Freaking. Participant.
You know how in a videogame where you come across a treasure trove of gear and the game autosaves? You know something big is about to go down. Think of it as that.
Have fun.