Regiment Elite Nate T - The Practical Dude
We’ve gotta promote our team elites when we can! Regiment Elite Nate has started his own blog and we’d love to share it with you guys.
About Nate “The Practical Dude”
My name is Nate and I am the principal author and designer for As the URL suggests, I consider myself a thoughtful yet practical person. I am not a professional athlete or trainer. I am not a professional consultant or a weight-loss counselor. I’m a regular guy that’s been there. I know how hard it is to juggle priorities and personal athletic ambition. I am a lifelong athlete, a father to 3 beautiful little girls, a husband, and an engineer. Since my first daughter was born I have learned much about time management, expectations, limits, improvising, and motivation. My athletic foundation is endurance. My keystone event the past several years has been a 24-hour obstacle race called World’s Toughest Mudder (Google it). Obstacle racing isn’t just running, it’s a hybrid sport. Running, jumping, crawling, climbing, swinging, and everything in between while wet, dirty, and feeling awesome! Thus, my fitness must include many physical disciplines; endurance, running, and agility are my main focus. I have not paid for a gym membership in over a decade. In 2018 and 2019 I ran 50 miles at World’s Toughest Mudder; all my training was (and still is) based from my home. That’s a testament to what can be accomplished with the right mindset. I sincerely hope my experience and writing will help you start, continue, and complete your journey. And then start a new one.
It’s nice to have that kind of fresh approach to fitness from the perspective that many of us share that juggles career and life events alike, so give his blog a visit!