T3 Mandatory gear list and important announcement

Greetings T3 aspirants! 

Here is the mandatory gear list and important event day info, along with a special announcement! The team has completed enough challenges to unlock the exact start time and location for this event. Be at the following location no later than 0700: 

308-352 A1A Beach Blvd Parking 
St. Augustine, FL 
32080-5902, United States 

Do not be late
. For every five minutes that somebody is late, those who are there will have to complete 30 burpees. Do everyone a favor and plan for the unexpected, and if you decide to drop before the event starts, you’d best let the instructor of the event know ahead of time. If you are 30 minutes late, you will be DNF’d from the event after having made all of the responsible people unnecessary burpees. Many of the attendees will be staying at nearby hotels near the beach, we recommend you get with them and plan ahead of time. Again…. Do not be late

There will be an optional bonus lap for those who wish to partake at 0640. Sometimes that means doing extra work for no reward, other times it means getting a reward for no extra work. It’s a gamble. On to our special announcement. 

Team Regiment is extremely proud to announce our partnership with The Give Team for the T3! This amazing team works with the New Image Youth Center – which provides after-school and summer programs to support at-risk students in Parramore. To those not familiar with the Orlando area, Parramore is listed as one of the 25 most dangerous places to live in America, so to work with an organization that provides academic support, social development, health and wellness as well as crisis intervention in that area means a lot to us – especially when the holidays are just around the corner. 

The Give Team lives by the motto “No matter how little you have, you always have something to give”. This inspiring team is actually the only inner-city OCR team in the country! Their focus is on building strength, leadership and goal-setting skills and currently has a closely-knit team of 12 students from the New Image Youth Center. With this partnership brings an amazing opportunity for us all to come together on the holidays and to use our coming together on the 15th to provide something greater than toys this year – a warm meal! 

That is why you will notice in your mandatory gear list below the requirement of a gift card for either Publix or Walmart for any amount you see fit. Through the help of The Give Team, these cards will go straight to the New Image Youth Center to help provide that holiday feast! As a bonus, whatever amount you decide to put on the card will equal half the amount of points you will be given at the start of the T3! Just provide a receipt with your card at the T3 so we can verify. We deliberately charge very little for this event simply because cost is oftentimes a barrier to entry for a lot of people when it comes to taking their athleticism to the next level, so please do not feel compelled to put more than you can afford on your required card. Anything helps. On to the gear list. 

Mandatory gear list (individual) 

• Six sided dice. 
• A 5-gallon bucket. (Your instructor is bringing 6 himself. Decide ahead of time who doesn’t need to bring one). 
• Headlamp (having a red light setting is recommended to make any team competitions easier) 
• Four orange laminated index cards with the words “Apparently I wasn’t ready” written on them. Cards must be hole punched and have a ziptie included with them. (Yep, it’s a death race thing). 
• A laminated card with your favorite quote on one side, and your name written on the other side. The quote doesn’t have to be an entire freaking paragraph long… 
• A dowel rod between 0.5-1 inch thick between 3.5-4.5 feet long. 
• A Publix or Walmart gift card with any amount on it.  

Mandatory gear (whole team) 
• Soccer ball (inflated). 
• Football (inflated, nice try Tom Brady).   
o (You may want to make sure your balls are easy to see in the dark… heh) 
• A laminated picture of Danny DeVito with everybody’s name signed on the back. 
• Two empty wreckbags/goruck bags w/ filler bags inside. Must be of equal weight capacity. 

 That’s all for the gear requirements for now. At any time prior to the event you may see this list change, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled on to the T3 Live Updates page. Attention to detail will make or break your T3. 

 This team started as a couple of people training for a 5k OCR. Over the years our actions have inspired a movement with one simple goal in mind – to become stronger every day. We sincerely look forward to helping you all achieve that goal on the 15th of December as we also give a little back for the holidays!