Regiment Elite UB highlight - Neil

Last but not least, we have our team founder for our final Regiment Elite athlete highlight.  If you haven't been keeping track, here is the roster for Regiment Elites taking on Killington this weekend:

Jeff Heimermann
Daniel Cramer
Heidi Williams
Kendall Cooper
Neil Murphy
Andrew Pragel
David Moore

Damion Trombley
Tracy Trombley
Heidi Snyder

Hello! Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Neil Murphy.  I’m 30 years old and I founded Team Regiment five years ago with the purpose of getting people together to train for events that we never thought were possible to conquer.  My day job is a flight simulation engineer for the Navy and I’m expecting my first child in January.  I can’t wait!


What made you want to sign up for this event in the first place?  

When I heard of the UB in 2012, I was terrified.  After hearing the horror stories of those who attempted it, I was even more intimidated.  So I had to sign up for the next year.  I learned very early on that it’s not about being un-afraid and doing something.  It’s about being scared and doing it anyways.  I failed it in 2013.  I failed it again in 2014.  But you know what?  I don’t care how many attempts it takes.  I will complete the Vermont Ultra Beast.


The stats for this event are grim. Only about 10% make it. What are you doing to ensure you fall in this rare percentile of finishers?

Since early June, I have been doing 3 hour kill-sessions at the gym on the stair stepper and bikes every other weekend.  I have been running up and down parking garages and I have gotten my quarter mile lunge time down to 6:21.  I have surpassed my expectations of this year and every bit of pain I go through is with this event in mind.  Doing a trail marathon with a 35lb rucksack on?  That’s for the ultrabeast.  Doing BattleFrog Extreme on food poisoning and taking 2nd place overall?  That’s for the ultrabeast.  You throw any hardship my way, and I will turn it into ultrabeast training.  Mind over matter – if you don’t mind it, it won’t matter.


What is the biggest challenge you think you will face out on the course?

I have yet to enter the Ultrabeast on 100%.  In 2013 I injured my ankle.  In 2014 I got sick and couldn’t take any nutrition until it was too late.  This year I severely sprained the tendons in my left leg back in July and I’m still suffering from it.  Any run over 3 miles renders me to a limp and it feels like a hot poker has been jammed into my leg.  It appears that my specialty is performing under sub-standard conditions, so I’ll just have to ignore the pain and hope that my slower run speed will not be too slow.  All I have to do is endure 14 hours of this, and the reward shall be a lifetime of pride. 


After this, what are your other goals?

After this I plan on increasing my run speed and hit the podium at events more often.  The super endurance races I’d like to take on is another World’s Toughest Mudder and the new Spartan Agoge series.