Regiment Elite UltraBeast highlight - Jeff

Our roster of team elites continues to grow.  Our next athlete highlight is Jeff!  

Hello! Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Jeff Heimermann 49 (50) in Oct. I've worked 27+ years in the animal field between Sea world and Animal kingdom. I've always had active outdoor hobbies from jetski racing to OCR . Having done a few tough events, this one seemed appropriate to be the next challenge.


What made you want to sign up for this event in the first place?  

Having done 2 T3's, BFX, Extreme Intimidator and the 1 day trifecta in Ohio, this seemed like a good next challenge.


The stats for this event are grim. Only about 10% make it. What are you doing to ensure you fall in this rare percentile of finishers?

My training took a big downfall when I broke my hand the beginning of July. Since my kids left and 2 screws in my hand I have been getting back on track. I'm doing very specific training focusing on weak areas and hill training.  I'm also doing bucket carries. All of these plus endurance training. There has been a lot of good info shared on the Facebook page that I've been reading.


What is the biggest challenge you think you will face out on the course?

The biggest challenge on the course will be the constant incline and the possible cool weather. I hate being cold and wet. The other challenge would be making the time cuts.


After this, what are your other goals?

After this I would like to do the Worlds toughest mudder sometime. Also go to the OCR world's and maybe a death race. I just want to continue enjoying these activities, being active and challenging myself!