More VT UB updates

It looks like the participant listing has finally been posted for the Vermont Ultrabeast.  You can access this information by selecting 'bib info' on the ultrabeast registration page.  Though your bib numbers have not been listed, one may still confirm their registration and wave time.  Course cutoffs may not be known until the morning of the race, however.  


Norm said in a one-on-one message that this may very well be the case.  Right now his focus is finishing up the course design as well as running it himself so that he can gauge the cutoff time.  In addition, this event will be the first Ultrabeast founder's race.  What does that mean?  It means that not only Norm but Joe DeSena himself will have their fingerprints all over this course design.  Expect many of the obstacles to be replaced with old-tech 431b.c. design, such as an atlas carry with a gigantic log instead of a concrete ball.  Or farmers carries with two big logs.  The possibilities are endless!