Regiment Elite Ultrabeast Highlight - Daniel Cramer

It's time for another Team Regiment athlete highlight!  This guy made himself known in the T3 BUD/s edition back in December and plans to test himself at the upcoming Ultrabeast!

Hello! Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Daniel Cramer, age 34 until August 21st, living in Orlando Florida, and single ready to mingle. I've been working for Publix over 18 years and I'm currently a manager. I do have a lot of hobbies and spend most of my time outdoors or training.

What made you want to sign up for this event in the first place?  

I've done many events and sports in my life. I ran track in college and placed 2nd in the TAAC division doing pole vault. I'm always up for challenging the mind, body, and soul. Once I saw this event, I told myself that this was a must so why not do it twice this year. Yes, I'm doing the Vermont and Lake Tahoe UB.

The stats for this event are grim. Only about 10% make it. What are you doing to ensure you fall in this rare percentile of finishers?

This rare percentile doesn't worry me. I moved up my training hardcore since March. I've added many interesting workouts and training since then with the additions of Crossfit, racing pretty much every weekend, and switching up my routines. Crossfit was a great addition for my strength and conditioning of the upper body 4-5 times a week including a couple 2 a days as well. I also have been racing around the U.S. With different Spartan races to do altitude and terrain into my mix bag of training......oh yeah multiple laps as well. Last month, I hiked Mt. Fujito see how rough the high altitude would affect me.

What is the biggest challenge you think you will face out on the course?

My biggest challenge that has me worried is the time hacks. I've heard how brutal they can be. I just rely on my training and hard work will pay off.

After this, what are your other goals?
After the Vermont UB I'm taking on yes that's right the Lake Tahoe UB too. Why, cause of my nickname CRAYCRAY. Then possibly MOAT ruck double marathon. I've already completed the ruck marathon already lol.