New Ultrabeast Rules and Info?

The Hawaii Ultrabeast is underway this weekend, and the race info packet has been out for that for quite some time now.  Should we expect some parallels of this in VT?  It's all speculation for now, but it doesn't hurt to look at some of the information.  Let's look at some of the Hawaii UB info:

NEW THIS YEAR: You will receive a Spartan Bag for bag check at packet pick-up. All your gear MUST fit into this ONE bag. Your race number will be written on that bag. You must have your race number/ headband with you to claim your bag. No headband, no bag claim! Please do not come back to bag check and say you lost your headband because we cannot give out any bag to anyone. You can come and get your bag multiple times throughout the day for no extra charge.

OVERSIZED BAGS: If you cannot fit everything in the plastic bag provided to you by Spartan Race Hawaii, we will accept a very limited number of oversized bags to check for $10 per bag. These bags will be tagged with your race number.


So it appears that there are restrictions on the bags.  We may see this in VT, which would be more restrictive than last year.  Nevertheless, prepare to have to use a bag provided by Spartan.



There will be at least 1 aid station on the course. There will also be an aid station at the festival area. Come prepared, make sure you are properly hydrated. A hydration pack or water bottles are required to run the Beast and Ultra Beast courses.


It is highly doubtful that the VT ultra will have just one aid station.  in 2013, there were four.  In 2014 there were around six.  They know the dangers of this venue, so it is highly unlikely that the amount of aid stations will be reduced while still upholding these strict standards.  Regardless, you may want to bring a good camelbak pack that can store a lot of stuff just in case.



1. Anyone caught littering on course will be disqualified. Please keep the ranch clean, we take this seriously.
2. The penalty for not completing an obstacle is 30 burpees. Full burpees include chest touching the ground at the bottom of the movement and feet leaving the ground at the top of the movement.
3. Cheating in any way will result in immediate disqualification from the race. The following is considered cheating:
a. Not following the specified route and cutting the course
b. Not completing the required burpees when failing an obstacle.
c. Using mechanical aids on the course including, but not limited to, trekking poles (unless otherwise approved by race director)
d. Leaving any gear or clothing you started with on the course and not taking all your belongings with you through the obstacles. Any items you start the race with must pass through the obstacles with you and must not be left on course.
e. “Skirting” (running alongside or around) mud pits, low crawls and any other obstacles.
4. All Beast and Ultra Beast racers must have specific mandatory gear with them or they will be pulled from the course and disqualified:
a. A hydration source which can include a water bottle, hydration bladder, fuel belt, or similar. (highly recommended for Sprint and Super participants!!!)
b. A headlamp and two glow-sticks, with means of attaching the glow- sticks to your pack/person, will be required gear to continue on the course past 6:00pm. Racers will be pulled who are not prepared!
5. This is a chip-timed event. If you lose your timing chip then you must let the timing team know immediately upon crossing the finish line. Participants that lose their timing chip are not guaranteed an official finishing time pending review by race staff.
6. Beast course only: Course cut-off times will be posted on the website and Facebook page once we get closer to race day. We will also include the information in an email to registered participants.
7. The Race Director reserves the right to introduce additional time cut-offs and modify current ones as needed.
8. Course Closing time will be posted on the website and Facebook once we get closer to race day.

These rules are pretty boilerplate and are the same as last year's VT rules.  Expect something very much like this.  On to the last piece.



1. All the same rules listed in “Race Rules”.

2. Gear Drop Each Ultra Beast Participant will receive 1 additional Gear Bag to be used for Gear Drop. This bag is different from the Bag Check bag. Please use your Gear Drop bag for your Ultra Beast ESSENTIAL items only. (no cell phones, wallets, cash, etc) This is the only bag allowed in Gear Drop and must be marked with your race number. The Gear Drop Tent will be located on the Ultra Beast Course just outside of the Festival Area. Your bag must be dropped off at this tent 30 minutes BEFORE your wave starts. NO ACCESS TO THE TENT WILL BE ALLOWED AFTER THIS UNTIL AFTER THE ULTRA BEAST WAVE STARTS. NO EXCEPTIONS. ONLY RACERS CAN ACCESS THEIR BAGS. The tent is located at approximately your half-way point of your race in the Ultra Beast Transition Area. You can only access this bag at this point. Please make sure you have everything you’ll need in this bag for your race. Once the race is completed, you must pick your bag up by 10:30pm or we reserve the right to a) keep your gear or b) donate it.

3. Ultra Beast Course Cut-Offs will be announced on the website and on Facebook once we are closer to race day. We will also include the information in an email to registered participants.

4. The Race Director reserves the right to introduce additional time cut-offs and modify current ones as needed.

5. This is designed to be a “self-supported” course. There will not be enough fuel and water on the course to support racers who are not prepared with their own fuel and hydration source. You should carry calories and electrolytes with you on the course. The average racer will take 5-6 hours to complete the Beast course. Come prepared with water and fuel or you’ll have a miserable time and risk not finishing.

6. Water stations with limited supply will be located on the Beast course. Exact number will be posted closer to race week. BE PREPARED TO SELF SUPPORT!

7. Ultra Beast racers will have access to your Gear Bag at the Ultra Beast Transition area which is at the half way point. (Make sure you have water/fluids in your gear bag!)


Interesting.  This is pretty similar to what was experienced last year, save for the new bag restrictions.  Will we be facing the same restrictions out in VT?  It's too soon to tell.  Once that information is released, you can expect to find it here.