Regiment Elite UltraBeast Athlete Highlight - David Moore

This year, Team Regiment will be bringing a bunch of their team elites out to the Spartan Ultrabeast in both Killington and Tahoe.  Every week we will be introducing these Regiment Elites to you one by one, and this week's elite will kick off with BattleFrog's own David Moore!  

Hello! Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m David Moore and I’m the Creative Director at BattleFrog Series. I absolutely love OCR and running/endurance events in general. Since January of 2012, I’ve had the privilege to participate in 100 events across 18 states and three foreign countries (Bahamas, UK and Northern Ireland). I’ve run everything from 5K’s to a double marathon, local OCR’s all the way to World’s Toughest Mudder. My goal is to run a race in every state and continent at some point, including scratching off the Big 5 Marathon next year in South Africa!

What made you want to sign up for this event in the first place?  

This year will actually be the fourth year I’ve participated in the Ultra Beast. I ran the first ever in Killington in 2012, having never run longer than a half marathon before, and DNF’ed. I went with a crew of friends and two were injured during the course of the first lap. Myself and a good friend, Michael Jacob, stuck with them until the first lap was over and we couldn’t make up the time in order to make the cutoffs on the second lap. In 2013 at the Vermont Ultra Beast, I beat the last cutoff by 30 minutes and lived on cloud nine for a year having overcome it and “redeemed” my DNF from a year earlier. At last year’s 2014 Ultra Beast in Vermont, I went in relatively confident but still nervous of the unknown. I was pacing really great, I think somewhere around the top 50, when I got to the sandbag carry. I was absolutely obliterated, as many others were, and took over an hour and a half to complete it. Needless to say, that practically killed the rest of my race and I missed the last cutoff by around 45 minutes if I recall. This year is all about “Redemption Round 2.” I’ll be running both the Tahoe and Vermont Ultra Beasts.


The stats for this event are grim. Only about 10% make it. What are you doing to ensure you fall in this rare percentile of finishers?

Perhaps one of the best ways I’ve been training this year is through the multiple BattleFrog Xtremes I’ve completed. BattleFrog Xtreme is a multi-lap race within BattleFrog where you attempt to complete as many laps of the 8K as you can within the allotted time. This year so far, I’ve completed four of them, averaging almost 26 miles per race. Before I get to either Killington or Tahoe, I will have run 6-7 Xtremes and had a lot of “simulated” practice. With each of those events having lasted 7+ hours with over 100 obstacles at each, I’ve been able to really test myself mentally and physically, along with continue to fine tune nutrition, techniques, etc. for such a long event. While I still need to work on some weaknesses, I feel more physically prepared than I did even in the year I finished.


What is the biggest challenge you think you will face out on the course?

Like most, I think the biggest challenge is dealing with fatigue, mentally and physically. In an event that long, you never know how your body is going to react or what can happen. One small misstep or lack of focus for a moment can be the difference between finishing and DNFing if you encounter an injury. That same fatigue/lack of focus can lead to failed obstacles which lead to burpees and you can’t afford to constantly make mistakes when seconds are so precious.


After this, what are your other goals?

1. Finish the year with 50 BattleFrog Xtreme stars.

2. Run 50+ miles at World’s Toughest Mudder (and be more prepared for a sandstorm this year instead of dropping from hypothermia).