Hello, new people!

It seems our page has been picking up in activity lately, and to that I say you guys are awesome!  So let me give you some info you might get some use out of.


We do training in Orlando three days a week at 5pm and 6:30pm for OCR, Running and ruck events.  We often post information on this in our group page


T3 Stuff  

Want to be one of the elites?  Many do, but many don't make it.  Check out the events page for the who/what/where on the next training session!



We consider ourselves part of MudRunFun.  For a good metaphor, think of MudRunFun as the nation, and us as the state. 


A lot of our interactions are on Facebook.  We post our training, pictures and videos on our group page consisting of nearly 200 members.  Just request an invite and I'll hook you up.