What an exciting week!
This has been a truly exciting week for our team! Without any more small talk, here is a rundown of our team's trials and endeavors:
Travis Hoard - GORUCK Selection. Endured the cold and even though he had to drop, he did what so few could even begin to imagine.
Marianne P. - Finished her half marathon at record pace. Her event of the year!
Matthew Dolitsky - Team Shark School! His team took on World's Toughest Mudder this weekend!
David Swanson - Speaking of WTM, he also finished. 17 laps in fact. That lands him at 9th overall.
Neil Murphy - 1st place overall at the Camaraderie Foundation ruck march! 12.15 miles rucked at 2:12:00.
Terry Garbis - Hog Wild 13.1 run in the wild. He got 3rd overall. This guy is a beast at consistently placing in events!