Of things to come

Happy Friday!  Hope you have an active weekend ahead of you that has copious amounts of beer, mud and rucking!

We're working hard for a couple of nifty new team things - 

1)  Making Sean a Spartan video

2)  Regiment store!  We have team flags for sale, by the way

3)  Final details for the next T3 (Hint:  Beach!)


So get your ruck on and start training.

IBC24 Review is here!

The Ironbeast 24 hour challenge was an incredible journey outside of my comfort zone.  It took me a while to put the words together, but I managed to put a review (with pictures!) together for you guys.  Head over to our reviews tab and check it out!

MudRunFun magazine evolves into Hybrid Runner magazine

MRF magazine has evolved like badass pokémon into Hybrid Runner magazine!  The goal of this transformation is to appeal to a much wider running market that isn't locked into just obstacle races.  According to the press release

MudRunFun Magazine will become Hybrid Runner Magazine in May of 2014 to better represent its subscribers. Readers can expect to see more focus on fun runs, rucking, obstacle course runs and mud runs.

Since team regiment consists of about 50% hardcore ruck runners, marchers and GORUCK'ers, this will be a pretty awesome change!  If you'd like to get in on the first issue (it's free!), head over to their site.

Look for us in Miami this weekend

Miami, here we come!  Look for our team flags at the Miami Super Spartan race this weekend and give us a shout out!  Though few of us plan on bringing our ruck to the event, a good amount of us plan on running the event with our team flag.  If you would like to score yourself a flag just talk to anybody carrying a flag and they will direct you to the right person.  

Ragnar trail relay with a ruck!

Team regiment joined a mix of three other teams over the weekend for the Ragnar Trail relay in Atlanta this weekend.  True to our nature, our members ran their splits of the race with a ruck and team flag.  It was great meeting new people!  
Well done everybody!  


The Ironbeast 24

Been a while since we've put an update out on the wire, we've been busy!  Over the weekend the ironbeast 24 hour challenge commenced.  Of the 8 remaining finishers, 5 were regiment elites!  Congratulations goes out to everybody who endured a total of 54 miles of rucking, swimming and running!

Whats that you see?  Why yes, it's our new team flags!  They are selling like hotcakes (8 remaining in the inventory) and the first batch of them are shipping out tomorrow.  If you'd like to get your hands on one of those bad boys be sure to ask about it in our facebook group page for now.  We'll have a store section up on our website in the coming weeks.

T3 review by Gil

Two-time regiment elite Gil just posted an in-depth review of the last T3.  He describes how the event brings out your weaknesses and champions your strengths through the 12+ hours of testing across many disciplines of endurance.  Nice review, Gil!  Give it a gander below:

Congrats to our T3 finishers!

8 started, 6 finished.  It was a grueling 13.5 hours of trials that tested water pt, running, rucking, teamwork and mental focus that emboldened the resolve of the three returning elites and initiated the other 3 into the ranks of regiment elite.  Congratulations guys!  It was a pleasure being in the class with you all this time, and the next T3 date and location will be announced later in the month.  For now, get some rest.  You earned it!