What an exciting week!

This has been a truly exciting week for our team!  Without any more small talk, here is a rundown of our team's trials and endeavors:

Travis Hoard - GORUCK Selection.  Endured the cold and even though he had to drop, he did what so few could even begin to imagine.


Marianne P. - Finished her half marathon at record pace.  Her event of the year!


Matthew Dolitsky - Team Shark School!  His team took on World's Toughest Mudder this weekend!  


David Swanson - Speaking of WTM, he also finished.  17 laps in fact.  That lands him at 9th overall.


Neil Murphy - 1st place overall at the Camaraderie Foundation ruck march!  12.15 miles rucked at 2:12:00.  


Terry Garbis - Hog Wild 13.1 run in the wild.  He got 3rd overall.  This guy is a beast at consistently placing in events! 

Good luck, Travis!

This weekend, regiment elite Travis Hoard will be embarking on a character-defining event known as GORUCK Selection.  Selection has an average passing rate of 4% and as GORUCK says, is not for everyone.  Travis was an absolute superstar during his T3 class (nicknamed the heat exhaustion class) and will be representing our small tight-knit band of crazies up in DC.  Best of luck Travis!  


Weekly training updates

We've got a pretty big following, mostly centered around the central Florida area.  With that, we host free weekly training events (the T1) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5pm.  Today's route is by far the most celebrated and attended route featuring an obstacle 5k that runs through a few neighborhoods.  If you're interested in joining, please feel free to contact us!  Below is a map of the Wednesday T1 session.


Better late than never - weekend accomplishments

Another weekend, another brag post!  This weekend was an exciting time for people both off and on the podium.  Regiment elite Terry Garbis placed 2nd in St. Pete over the weekend and Holly B. hit a PR at the same event.  Her first 5k was run at 28:30, and she now destroyed that old number with a 23:36.  Well done!

MudRunFun Magazine - November issue is here!

This is a read that is steadily gaining in popularity.  I highly recommend taking some time to check out the latest issue of MRF magazine.  You'll find amazing race reviews and some pretty empowering stories from your fellow mud runners.  What's even better is when you see these people out at the events you go to!  You can check out the latest issue for free right here.  MUDRUNFUN! 

The Journey of Isaiah Vidal

Happy Friday everyone!  I know that typically translates to "happy pre-race day", so why not dish out some inspiration to you all?  Mr. Vidal here not only did the Beast and Ultrabeast back to back, he also placed top 10 in each event.  If that wasn't enough, he rode his bike from Austin, TX to Killington, VT.

Get back to me when you find some new excuses.  I'll wait.

Another weekend of victories

Congratulations once again to our regiment elite and aspiring elites!  Here is the rundown of their accomplishments for this weekend:

Marianne Pfister, FL.ROC - 2nd place, age group
Michael Jacob, FL.ROC - 1st place, age group
Ashley Bri'Anne, 15k - 1st place, age group
Troy Vansacik, Joggin for Noggin 5k - 2nd place, age group

Another week, another brag post!

A big congratulations goes out to regiment elite this week:

Ashley B. - 2nd age group.  Savage Race
Marianne P. - 1st age group.  Savage Race

Can't wait to see what we can do at FL.ROC!