Name: Warren Wauson
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 198
Current Location: St. Mary's Georgia
Occupation: US Navy
Birthplace: Utica NY
T3s completed:
13 December 2014 - T3 BUD/S edition with BattleFrog
4 April 2015 - Mt. Dora Mayhem
Lesson learned from the T3: Know your geography, and have a passion for 8 count body builders.
Hobbies and Interests: Long runs in the park, beach, swamp, trail, pretty much anywhere you can run.
Goals: Ruck the MOAT ultra marathon.
Events run in the past: 2 Tough Mudders, and numerous 5k's.
Favorite Quote: Some ships are designed to sink.... others need our assistance.