Name: Anthony Gorbas

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: 5'11

Weight: 165

Current Location: Orlando FL

Occupation: Pharmacy Technician

Birthplace: Orlando

Team Affiliation(s): TEAM BLACKSHEEP!

T3s completed:   April 4th - Mt. Dora Mayhem

Lesson learned from the T3: Finished the T3 in Mt Dora Florida 4/4/15 . Finishing this was a an amazing accomplishment for me and it has been a life changing experience that has changed how i will live my life from now on. I learned that your body can do amazing things and can be put through so much pain/stress and still survive. You just need to have a strong enough will to edure that pain , and have an amazing group of people to support you , also to take away some of your own pain by helping through a challenge. You will see such comradary During the T3 you will also see Life changing moments happening right before your eyes. People screaming in pain, then right after screaming in joy because they just finished a lap and did not Quit! Tell your body what to do, go through the pain so you can enjoy the well deserved gains!

Hobbies and Interests:
Play Guitar /Drums
Enjoy going to theme Parks mostly Disney
shooting sports, Archery/ Guns (dont hunt)
Anything outdoors IE trail running / snorkeling in springs /camping /kayaking .

I want to better myself while helping those around me get into fitness so they to can live a healthier life style.

Events run in the past: Just started running OCR's this year but this is what i have ran so far Spartan race, savage race, warrior dash ,Battle Frog Xtreame .
I plan on running many more races this year like this sat I'm running Monster Challenges and i will doing a few challenges like the GORUCK series also.