Free GORUCK? Sure, why not!

What a time to be alive.  

As it has already been established, we're an official affiliate and training partner to GORUCK.  With that comes some handy little perks.  For one, you get 25% off on all events provided you use the affiliate link with code TEAMREGIMENT25.  So, how can we 1-up this?  Let's give away free entries to GORUCK, then.

How?  Those who purchase one of our team shirts up until December 1 from the store will have their name automatically entered into a raffle.  We're going to be giving away TWO free entries to any GORUCK Challenge or Light of your choice.  So far we've got 8 people entered in this raffle, so your chances of scoring yourself a free entry are pretty high actually.

So good luck, and have fun!  At the least, you'll end up with a pretty badass athletic shirt.

Regiment Elites dominate GRH095

Regiment ELITES! Congratulations to GORUCK Tampa Heavy class 095! Elites Jose Alonzo, Kaitlyn Bunker, Travis Hoard and Matt Dolitsky crushed a grueling 26.5 hours of torture and fun. All while wearing our team patch and team shirt! Rest well, elites. You earned this.

Coming very soon - official Team Regiment shirts!

After over two years of demands, we've finally gotten shirts!  Keep your eyes peeled at our store for when they go on sale this week!  One of the biggest complaints among athletes is the annoying lack of shirts for the ladies.  We kept this in mind and have included designs for men AND women!  See below for some preview pics

GORUCK Rucker revealed

Awe yeah! GORUCK has officially unveiled the rucker. This bad boy is optimized for ruck weight plates and keeping your hydration pack in good condition. The only thing missing from this badass ruck is your badass red R patch!

You can read more about this new ruck and get one for yourself here.

Preparing for the Ultrabeast - Guide updated!

11 months remain until the 2016 Ultra Beast!  It may seem distant on the horizon, but it will creep up on you before you know it.  Failure to prepare is preparing to fail, so if you want to finish this event you may want to get started on your journey today.  The UB prep guide has undergone its first revision since the conclusion of the 2015 Vermont Ultra Beast, with many more revisions to come as other people's contributions get added to the article.  

You can access the article on our articles/reviews tab or by accessing it directly here.

Heidi Williams - Age division world champion

It is with great honor that we announce that Team Regiment elite Heidi Williams got 1st place in the 50+ division at the OCR World Championships!  One of the most humbling things she said to our team was that the T3 was a pivotal  point in her athletic journey to getting to where she is today.  Champions aren't always forged on the podium, but today this one sure is!